One time I was playing Chaos vs IG on standard, and spent nearly 5 minutes fighting over a single listening post because while my army was winning slowly they were spamming Enginseers on the post repairing near instantly as well as repairing their auto-cannon chimeras they had recently started to pump out. I'm talking a full slugga boy squad running from a single Guardsmen squad with no upgrades level of cowardice.

Any attempts to chase or attack their starting forces are futile as they will never openly engage you and only run away. They start out expanding like normal, but slowly build up a decent army inside their own base. Call me bad or whatever, but the AI is straight up no fun for several reasons. If you like to chill out and play solo/don't have many or any friends to play with you're likely to not enjoy the mod much. I love UA, it's my second favorite mod for the original Dawn of War after FoK. This really adds to playability, you can choose to have small battles or huge ones. You can restrict what tech tier you want the game to cap out at, squad cap limit (you can make it less than 30 or up to 200 or more!) grenade usage, amount of titans, the list is stupid long. My favorite game is Dark Crusade, I never liked the flying units in SS, so i always have "Restriction: Flyers" off. Luckily however the amount of options to select from when creating a game is huge. There is so much going on and the details blur and it turns more into a macro game than any micro, and micro is my favorite part. When pitched battles get huge, I begin to lose the ability to control my units effectively. But personally I find it often overwhelming because of the incredible amount of new units, upgrades, wargear, and more. I really enjoy UA for the sheer scale when I get an itch for a massive battle with artillery, tank wave pushes, a giant blob of Tyranids hitting a tau gunline, etc etc, I play this mod. Imperial guardsmen are physically smaller and are far, far weaker - but are stupid cheap to produce. SM Tactical squads are fewer in number but far more powerful. Almost all the new factions use unique and high resolution models, and even old factions have been retouched.On top of what others said, it tries to make the battles more "realistic" to the lore as well. Here's the list of new races:Ī huge amount of work has been done to create the models for these new races. It's an advanced combiner mod that lets you seamlessly combine almost all community-created races. Unification is the work of the Thudmeizer Mod Team. The impressive Unification mod for Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War expansion Soulstorm makes a huge number of quality of life changes to Relic's 2004 real-time strategy classic, but most exciting of all is the addition of 17 new races, all playable in multiplayer and against the AI. A new mod has added 17 new races to Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War.