Here are some of the best Fallout 4 Legendary armor effects that will be a massive help further down the line. Legendary equipment can prove to be extremely helpful in this regard, although players should know exactly which effects will benefit them the most. After all, a big part of this title's gameplay loop is finding high-level gear that players can equip to augment their stats and survive the trials and tribulations of the Commonwealth. Updated on August 1st, 2021 by Ritwik Mitra: Good equipment is a necessity to survive the trials and tribulations of Fallout 4. Here are some of the best Legendary effects that players can get for armor pieces. This marks an item that has a Legendary effect on it. When looting a Legendary enemy, players are sure to find a weapon or armor piece that will also have a star next to it. RELATED: Fallout 4: Hilarious Things NPCs Do (That Make No Sense) They're tougher than normal enemies, but the loot they drop can be really useful, if not valuable to those that want to sell whatever they drop. I will admit i dont use them much so i cannot tell / remember how they affect Hydration and such, but i will do some testing for sure as i also play with Chemist Perk on most my characters.When wandering around the Wasteland in Fallout 4, players will occasionally come across Legendary enemies that will be marked with a star icon next to their name. Stimpacks have increased effectiveness via the Medic Perk, The Glowing Blood Pack has increased effectiveness via the Chemist Perk, so Pro / Con depends on if you pick either of those Perks to begin with. It is like a Stimpack and RadX in one, and on Survival it is easy to craft as in all you need is a Chemlab. The Glowing Blood Pack should be more compared with a Stimpack, as it is in all ways a "better" stimpack than the normal ones, healing base 40 % vs Stimpack 30 % AND giving Rad resistance. This makes it a bit tricky to decide which ones are the best.

However, as you can imagine, due to the passage of time, we have a huge variety of mods for this game.

And it is nerfed a bit on Survival mode, but still insanely good for Survival, (it only removes 100 rads on Survival vs 1000 on "other difficulties"). The best Fallout 4 mods for PS4 Now that we know what to do to install the Fallout 4 mods on our console or computer, we can focus on getting to know them. Refreshing Beverage is the top shelf healing item you can make, so i agree Blood packs are better used to make those than Glowing Blood Packs, but it heals 500 hp not 5000.