And since we won’t have to worry about sharpness nor critical skills, there will be more slots for other skills. It works best with SAED build because the phial explosion deals blast damage (similar to bomb damage / blast proc) which is not affected by sharpness nor critical, and will always deals the same damage regardless of where it hits. Hence, most of the offensive aspects of this build will be similar to those builds. This build utilizes the popular Super Amped Elemental Discharge (SAED) due to its high damage and synergy with Health Regeneration augment.

I’m fully aware that there are already similar builds that utilize ‘Super Amped Elemental Discharge’ out there.

Last updated: December 12th, 2019 to include armor sets from Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, the massive DLC expansion Capcom release for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in September.With this guide, I want to share my charge blade build that I’ve been using against all currently available monsters. Bear in mind that mixing and matching armor sets is better, but if you really want that full set bonus, then you still can't go wrong with wearing these as a set. Here are 10 of them to make you a more proficient hunter. There are actually so many armors this game but some are worth more your time than others. The fun begins once you get the hang of it and pretty soon you'll start looking like all the monsters you've hunted. Thankfully, you can ease the blow of your predators by wearing armor made out of their body parts both as a reward and to spite them. RELATED: How To Play As Geralt In The Monster Hunter: World's Witcher Event On PC After all, your character is a mere human in the land of titans. It might be unforgiving but not knowing when to adapt is a straight path to defeat.

Some of them fly, some swim, some breathe fire, but all of them can make you obliterate that game controller in an infantile fit of rage. It's a jungle out there, hunters, and a jungle is bound to have predators. The New World in Monster Hunter: World is no place for the meek and feeble.